The Car by Raymond Carver

The car with a cracked windshield.
The car that threw a rod.
The car without brakes.
The car with a faulty U-joint.
The car with a hole in its radiator.
The car I picked peaches for.
The car with a cracked block.
The car with no reverse gear.
The car I traded for a bicycle.
The car with steering problems.
The car with generator trouble.
The car with no back seat.
The car with the torn front seat.
The car that burned oil.
The car with rotten hoses.
The car that left the restaurant without paying.
The car with bald tires.
The car with no heater or defroster.
The car with its front end out of alignment.
The car the child threw up in.
The car I threw up in.
The car with the broken water pump.
The car whose timing gear was shot.
The car with a blown head-gasket.
The car I left on the side of the road.

The car that leaked carbon monoxide.
The car with a sticky carburetor.
The car that hit the dog and kept going.
The car with a hole in its muffler.
The car with no muffler.
The car my daughter wrecked.
The car with the twice-rebuild engine.
The car with corroded battery cables.
The car bought with a bad check.
Car of my sleepless nights.
The car with a stuck thermostat.
The car whose engine caught fire.
The car with no headlights.
The car with a broken fan belt.
The car with wipers that wouldn’t work.
The car I gave away.
The car with transmission trouble.
The car I washed my hands of.
The car I struck with a hammer.
The car with payments that couldn’t be met.
The repossessed car.
The car whose clutch-pin broke.
The car waiting on the back lot.
Car of my dreams.
My car.

Viktor Schauberger – Quotes

How else should it be done then?, was always the immediate question. The answer is simple: Exactly in the opposite way that it is done today! If water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation known as `colloidal´, a build up of energy results, which, with immense power, can cause levitation. This form of movement is able to carry with it its own means of power generation. This principle leads logically to its application in the design of the ideal airplane or submarine … requiring almost no motive power.

I must furnish those who would protect or save life,with an energy source, which produces energy so cheaply that nuclear fission will not only beuneconomical, but ridiculous. This is the task I have set myself in what little life I have left. A particular inner temperature produces a certain physical form which in turn generates the special kind of immaterial energy we encounter in a moreor less highly developed form as character. Hence the old saying Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body).

If the composition of the basic substances of the body should in any way be altered, then the metabolic basis for the further growth of the body must not only change, but its spiritual and intellectual growth and further development as well.It has been proven psychologically thathuman beings can only appreciate or apprise, i.e. comprehend and understandsomething new, if they can succeed in raising up the subconscious immured in their brain cells into their higher consciousness.

If this cannot be achievedthen all preaching is useless. And even theeye has first to learn how to see everythinganew; it too must therefore be aroused from its latency before it can grasp the seen. Above all, there must be a readiness to consider even supposed wonders as the forerunners of forthcoming realities, for only thus can the rational mind be provided with a basis for calculation and analysis. They call me deranged. The hope is that they are right.

It is of no greater or lesser import for yet another fool towander this earth. But if I am right andScience is wrong, then may the Lord Godhave mercy on mankind!! An American aircraft consortium offered me 3,5 million dollars,a similar offer was made by Canadian interests. You didn´t wantit in Europe, so now you´ll have to get it back from America expensively!